Employers interested in promoting their organizations or specific vacancies can host an Information Session on campus in the Pryzbyla Center. These sessions are generally 1 hour in length and can be scheduled Monday through Friday between 10:00 am and 8:00pm. We recommend that sessions be held during lunch times (12:00 noon to 1:30 pm) or early evenings (7:00 pm to 8:00 pm). 

Information Sessions should be scheduled at least two weeks prior to the desired date for the on-campus event.  Events requested inside this two week timeline will be considered but may not be honored.

Cancellation Policy
To formally cancel an Information Session, employers must notify our office via email at careers@cua.edu or by calling 202-319-5521. Advance notice (no less than 24 hours) is greatly appreciated.

For more information or to schedule an Information Session, please contact our office at 202-319-5521.

The Center for Academic and Career Success provides, free of charge, a number of ways to promote on-campus events including:

Plasma screens
The Pryzbyla Center has several plasma screens in high traffic areas where our office can post promotional content which we may design that will appear in advance of the event. 

Targeted emails
An email targeting students, student groups, and academic departments can be sent out one time prior to an on-campus event. Employers must provide text for these emails within 5 business days of scheduling an on-campus event. The text should include pertinent information such as background about the organization, what will be the focus of the event (promoting a job or internship, raising profile of the organization, etc.), and what students/majors might be interested in the Information Session.

Standing Banner
Our office will design promotional material for your events and display it  on a standing banner that is prominently featured in the lobby of the Pryzbyla Center.
Employers interested in purchasing advertisements in The Tower, the campus newspaper, may contact the publication directly by clicking here.