Hosted by experienced peer tutors, subject tutoring makes free drop-in tutoring support available to undergraduate students enrolled in historically challenging courses. Come ready to ask questions of our experienced and carefully selected tutors. Stay as little or as long as you'd like; no appointment necessary!


Language Tutoring

Course Tutor Name Day, Time, Location
FRENCH, all levels



GERMAN, all levels ----


ITALIAN, all levels ----


SPANISH, all levels ----


ARABIC, all levels ----


CHINESE, all levels ----


LATIN, all levels ----


Computer Science and Math Tutoring

Course Tutor Name Day, Time, Location

General Coding Lab



Math Lab



Nursing & Nursing-Bio Tutoring

Course Tutor Name Day, Time, Location




BIOL-223 ----


CHEM-109 ----








Bio & Chem Tutoring

Course Tutor Name Day, Time, Location
BIOL-106 ----


Chemistry lab (CHEM-104/204)



Music Tutoring

Course Tutor Name Day, Time, Location

Music lab

