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    Annemarie Donachie

    Annemarie Donachie is a Dual Major in Architecture and Civil Engineering from Cinnaminson, NJ. She is currently interning at SGH in the Building Technology division. She learned about the company at the university career fair and from a fellow dual degree CatholicU alum. Annemarie was drawn to the position due to the variety of tasks it offered, allowing her to apply her knowledge from architecture and engineering classes.

    This internship has solidified her desire to obtain a PE and confirmed her interest in pursuing a career in this field post-graduation.

    Annemarie believes that internships are invaluable for gaining professional experience and connections, as well as for self-discovery. They help individuals understand what kind of job they envision themselves doing post-graduation and provide insights into the type of working environment and company culture they enjoy.
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    Jamie Marcoux

    Jamie Marcoux is a Sports Management and Marketing Major from South Burlington, Vermont. This summer, Jamie interned with the Frederick Keys Baseball Club, a member of the MLB Draft League. He received hands-on experience working in the baseball industry by completing tasks such as stadium operations, social media marketing, community relations, merchandising, and operating the scoreboard and video board for games. CACS assisted him with class planning, resume preparation, and LinkedIn optimization to help him stand out in the classroom and the workplace.
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    Larelle Clarke - Study Abroad

    I had the honor and pleasure of volunteering with John Cabot University Community Service in the Trastevere area of Rome, Italy. The people there are very nice. Every day, Abdil (the head volunteer) and his crew of volunteers welcome a line of humble individuals waiting to eat their first meal - a meal that may very well be their only sustenance for the rest of the day. The doors open at 8 a.m., and the service begins. Each person is called in one-by-one by a volunteer (most likely Abdil), with the word "Avanti" meaning "forward" or "onwards." Abdil, who mans the espresso machine, recognizes most patrons and prepares their preferred drink. For the next 45 minutes or so, I manned the coffee station under Abdil's supervision. A fellow student studying abroad at the CUA Rome Center from St. Mary's in the United Kingdom volunteered with me. She manned the food station. We served person after person, and the more permanent volunteers replenished the items as they dwindled. Some people came back for seconds, which wasn't a big issue for Abdil.

    My second day of service was quite heartfelt. By now, I had remembered some of the faces, and they had remembered me. I greeted them with a smile as I served them food while Abdil served drinks. More people were waiting in line than the day before, so they ran out of pizza and pastries early. The look on their faces when they realized all the food was gone, except for bananas and croissants, made me sad. At that moment, I only thought about how much more I could do when returning to the US. When the service ended, Abdil took a few pictures of us together. It was such a pleasant memory.

    This was my second time volunteering internationally - the first was with my family and my oldest daughter's school at an elementary school in Costa Rica. As I exited the building, the people I had just served yelled, "Grazie!" and "Ciao!" as I walked down the street. It was nice to be recognized, but even nicer to know that I had done some good for someone other than myself. I will return for one last day before I head home. I wish I had volunteered sooner. Either way, this experience has profoundly impacted me. I am inspired to volunteer more when I return home.

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    Daniel Formella

    Daniel is a History Major in the Honors Program. He made a lasting connection with Elva Roy, his match on Big & Mini. A program that matches young people with seniors to make friendships and ease the feeling of isolation. Daniel, who is from Texas, is one of the first people using this amazing platform to create a valuable relationship that is needed during this time. Daniel is currently thinking of ways to help expand Big & Mini, such as using his Spanish to help those unable to communicate in English. He also participates in writing for the Big & Mini blog, has participated in DC Reads, and is thinking of being a tutor for Tutoring Services. To learn more about Daniel and see a Today Show video where Big & Mini and he and Nicole Cremente (senior marketing major) are featured click here.
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    Alex Cipolloni

    Alexandria Cipolloni- Class of 2020- School of Arts and Sciences, a Psychological and Brain Sciences major, will participate in the Disney College Program. Growing up, Disney has always been a part of her life; this opportunity is a "dream come true." Alex hopes to get a full-time position at The Walt Disney Company after the program ends. Alex spent time researching application tips and had numerous people edit her application before submitting it. Some influential people that helped were her parents, friends, alumni of the program, and her advisor at CACS. Elizabeth gave many valuable tips for her phone interview, such as smiling, laughing, and being genuine. She also pointed out that remembering the interviewer's name was important to thank her. Elizabeth was "an incredible asset to my application."  

One of Alex's favorite classic Walt Disney quotes is, "All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them."

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    Jonathan Harrison

    Jonathan Harrison is a BioChem and Theology major and will be a Senior this Fall. He started looking for solutions when he was told that his planned Internship was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. With his advisor Tory's suggestion of reaching out and being creative, he emailed different Bio-Pharmaceutical companies to find some options. Within two hours of sending his email, he was offered a position as a lab technician at Real Diagnostics. He will be working with COVID-19 samples to determine if the sample is positive or negative. Johnathan has plans to pursue his MD and Ph.D.