Any Catholic University student interested in applying to law school should contact the primary Pre Law Advisor, Dr. Lawrence R. Poos ( as early in your Catholic University academic career as possible. Applicants to Catholic University considering law school are encouraged to contact Dr. Poos.
For assistance with the law school application process, call the Center for Academic and Career Success to schedule an appointment.
Peterson's Guides
Provides data on over 4000 colleges, universities and graduate programs. Also provides financial aid information and test preparation resources.
Research and other valuable grad school resources on the leading graduate school website.
Princeton Review
Various test prep options available, pick one based on your own learning style: online, classroom, private tutoring.
Law School Admissions Council committed to easing the law school admission process for law schools, prelaw advisors, and prospective law students.
Applying to Law School
Pre-Law Guide
General overview and instructions to the entire application process.
Timetable for Applying to Law School
Step-by-step schedule to follow.
Writing a Personal Statement for Law School
Writing a Personal Statement for Law School: How to approach and carry out this important task.
Criteria That May Be Considered by Law School Admissions Committees
What schools look for and what priority may be given to these factors.
Boston College Law School Locator
Provides the 25th to 75th percentile LSAT and GPA for entering students. Helps you locate schools where you are most competitive academically and can help you gauge your chance of admission to a specific school.
LSAT Registration Dates
Registration Deadline Test Date(s)
January 2024
1/13/2024February 2024
2/9/2024April 2024
4/12/2024June 2024
6/8/2024 -
Financial Aid for Law School
Graduate Financial Aid
Explanation of various types of financial aid for law students.
Web Resources for Financial Aid
Sources of information about grants, fellowships, scholarships, and other forms of aid provided by universities and third-party sources.
LSAC Financial Guide
Law School Admissions Council committed to help financing for law schools, prelaw advisors, and prospective law students.
Catholic University Law School
Columbus School of Law
The Columbus School of Law at The Catholic University of America offers a first-rate legal education and a visionary approach to law as a way of serving others. Catholic University Law students graduate with the knowledge, practical skills, and ethical foundation they need to succeed in the practice of law and in service to society.