This graduate student worker program is open to all current graduate students, both international and US citizens. The positions are short-term projects for a Catholic University department or office. Participating students will earn up to $1,000 pre-tax, paid at $15 per hour for approximately 66 hours of work. All graduate students in this program are required to complete a training session to help orient them to Catholic University, to create a resume, and to assist in applying to possible Micro-Job opportunities. 

Important Policies

  • Students can only work in one Micro-Job position at a time. 
  • All university-wide work regulations apply. This includes limits on total hours worked per week (19 hours) and per calendar year (999 hours), and maximum length of work shifts without taking a break (6 hours).
  • Students can work no more than 19 hours per week in a Micro-Job position.
  • Students can only work in a Micro-Job position while enrolled in classes (i.e., a student beginning coursework in September cannot start a Micro-Job position in June). 
  • Law, undergraduate, and non-degree seeking students are ineligible for Micro-Job positions
  • CACS does not make any hiring decisions for Micro-Job positions, and employment in a Micro-Job position is not guaranteed. 

Graduate Micro-Job Process

How to find and apply for positions

  1. Complete Micro-Job program intake form.
  2. Complete mandatory Micro-Job training modules, which are linked in reply email upon completion of program intake form. This includes uploading a resume to Handshake.
  3. Apply to individual Micro-Job positions, either on google site (Summer 2024 only) or Handshake (Fall 2024 onwards). Supervisors may at their discretion contact applicants to schedule interviews or request other application materials. 

After being offered and accepting a position

  1. Complete I-9 form sent via email and bring documentation to CACS for processing. Information on the necessary paperwork is sent to the student after accepting a position.
  2. After paperwork is processed by CACS and HR (approximately 5-7 business days), the student and supervisor are contacted to confirm work authorization and start date. Do not begin working until this confirmation is received.
  3. Complete any further paperwork from HR and payroll, including direct deposit and tax forms. If a student needs a SSN, the student picks up a proof of employment letter from CACS after the student’s first day is worked.

Tracking hours worked and finishing the project

  1. While working, the student tracks all hours by clocking in and clocking out on MyTime for every shift worked. If a student misses a clock in or clock out, the student should contact with the correct time as soon as possible.
  2. Payment for Micro-Jobs follows the University’s two-week pay period schedule. The schedule of payment dates can be found on HR’s payroll website
  3. When 66 hours is close to completion, the student and supervisor will receive notice that the position has almost finished and of the upcoming end date. 
  4. If the student and supervisor want to extend the position, the supervisor can transition the position to a non-work study position funded by their department by completing HR’s sEDF form. During fall and spring semesters only and depending on availability of funding, supervisors can also request a 30-hour extension up to 7 days before the end date.