Global Studies majors typically take the following courses in the fall semester of their first year:

First-Year Experience Learning Community Courses

We will register you in these courses.

  1. Philosophy (PHIL 201)
  2. English Composition (ENG 101) OR Theology (TRS 201)

Why am I taking these classes?   Honors students take equivalent honors courses.

Major and Elective Courses

You will need to choose and register for these courses.

  1. An intermediate language course based on language placement (see below)
  2. A liberal arts foundations course; a course toward a minor, certificate, or other focus area; or a free elective
  3. A liberal arts foundations course; a course toward a minor, certificate, or other focus area; or a free elective

About Your First Semester Courses

If you are interested in the Global Studies major, the first step is to take the language proficiency exam so that you can be placed in the language or culture course that best meets your current proficiency level. If you speak this language at home, take the heritage speaker placement test. Once you have taken the test, you will receive an email notifying you about the language/culture course you should take. 

The language course that you will take in your first semester depends on your proficiency level. If you place at the intermediate level (103 or 104, or 111 for heritage speakers), you should enroll in that course and also in a literature and culture course taught in English. If you place at the advanced level (203 or 204, or 210 or 211 for heritage speakers), you will begin your coursework in one of these courses. If you place above 204 or 211, you can enroll in literature and culture courses taught in this language, such as SPAN 300 or 301. Your advisor will help you determine which literature and culture courses are right for you.

For your fourth and fifth courses, you can choose what you like. You can take a liberal arts elective or a free elective course in a subject of your interest. Or, you may wish to begin study in a secondary subject area, perhaps for a minor or certificate. 

Know which courses you want? Get registered.